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Thursday, December 3, 2009


bal•ance -
mental steadiness or emotional stability;

habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.

Balance has been on my mind quite a bit these days. Or I should say, my lack of balance. The fall season is a busy time of year for my business and can get quite stressful at times. Then throw into the mix 3 toddlers and a hubby to take care of and BAM... my balance gets thrown totally off. So this year, I promised myself to try and regain the balance in my life. I truely want to enjoy the holiday season and my kids. (Oh and actually spend some time with my hubby too. LOL!) And while I have to admit, I haven't been perfect, I am doing better.

I know this post probably seems like it came out of left field but like I said it's been on my mind a lot lately so I had to share. I realize it's a tough time of the year for everyone, the stress and pressure of the holiday season can become very overwhelming. So my hope for all of you is that you find your balance this holiday season too.

And speaking of balance, check out Allie's balancing act while brushing her teeth! She does this every night! So as you can imagine, I was thrilled when I got a picture of it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Erin said...

1. Allie got so big!!
2. This is seriously the cutest picture and needs to be published somewhere.
3. I hope you find your balance and can enjoy the holiday season! and remember you don't have to do it all :)