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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just say "pepperoni"!

This morning I had a fun session with the "K" family. They are such a cute family! Mom was worried how little "B" would do but he was a natural and loved having his picture taken. And so did Miss. "H", for that matter. The only one who wasn't too fond of the camera was little "N" but I still managed to get some cute shots of him. Oh and you are probably wondering what the "pepperoni" thing is all about, well that was totally dad's idea and guess what, it worked! Whenever I needed any of the kids attention I simply said "Pepperoni" and they were all mine! So thanks guys, I enjoyed spending the morning with you! Here's your sneak peek, enjoy!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Beth, great pics, I can't wait to see the rest.