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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5 weeks old

I had the pleasure of photographing a sweet newborn this morning. Little Miss. "S" is 5 weeks old and such a cutie. She already has such a little personality! She was wide awake when I got there and gave me some seriously cute shots. Then mom worked her magic and she fell asleep for some even cuter shots. Looking forward to seeing you guys again later this summer! Here's a peek... enjoy!

Awake, striking a pose! LOL!

And then sound a sleep! Isn't she sweet?


N&J said...

so precious!!!

leslie biggar said...

this is really cute Beth!

amy said...

LOVE that pink hat!!!! BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! =)

Little Moon Photography said...

OH MY GOODNESS, look at the chub on her! LOVE the 2nd one, great job!!