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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The "B" Family

Today I had a fun session with the "B" family. We went to this great park with a cool castle style building it was perfect for pictures. Anyway, they are one gorgeous family! I mean seriously, I don't think I could get a bad shot of them if I tried! LOL! Here's a few for now guys! Thanks for a fun morning! Enjoy!

This little man is about the happiest, sweetest little guy ever! I LOVE this picture! It's so him!

This is his adorable big sis! Aren't her eyes to die for!

And in case you are wondering where the kids amazing looks come from...here you go! This is mom & dad enjoying a carefree moment. I LOVE this one too! Alright, I LOVE them all!


Anonymous said...

Beth!!! We love the photos, and had a great time today! Thanks for traveling so far!!! I can't wait to hang those pics of the kids!!! Great job!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are amazing. I agree with you, Beth - they are a gorgeous family.

leslie biggar said...

super cute! :)