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Thursday, August 6, 2009

*A* stunning senior girl

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of photographing a stunning senior, meet *A*. She's beautiful, inside and out. Not to mention smart and funny. We spent a couple hours together for her session and had a complete blast! Oh the stories we could tell. LOL! Anyway, she was a trooper and up for anything I asked her to do. (Thanks for that, btw.) Even climbing through knee high grass with god knows what, lurking under foot to get "the shot" - see below. I think you'll agree, it was totally worth it! Thanks again *A*, I had a great time and can't wait to show you the rest! Enjoy!

Look at those amazing eyes!

"The Shot" - I couldn't decide which way to edit this one. Leave a comment and let me know which you prefer.


Jen D. said...

These are fabulous Beth! I think I like the sunshine feel on the second one myself. I bet she'll be OVER THE MOON in love with these! Great job!

Jenn Norman said...

Wow! these are great! Oh I don't know, I like them both, I guess I'm going to say the bright one on the right. I like the left one too though, its very vintage. I guess its up to "A" LOL

Adam Bumpus said...

I'm gonna say the left picture. I'm for the "vintage" look. Nice and soft.