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Thursday, August 27, 2009

The final 3!

3 appt's that is! I have 3 appt's left in September. I am completely full for October and I have 1 or 2 spots left for November! Budip, budip, budip . . . that's all folks! So seriously, contact me ASAP if you want a fall session. It will break my heart to say no, but if you don't get a date soon they will all be gone.

Also, I will be announcing all the mini session info: dates, times, location & package specials early next week so stay tuned for that too.

And because you know I can't post without a picture, here's a recent one of my Emma taking a snooze. I had to take a picture because I know her napping days are seriously numbered! She is 4 after all! LOL!

1 comment:

Erin said...

so peaceful! i cannot even believe she is 4 already! where does the time go!?