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Friday, March 20, 2009

New proof system!

Well, as the title suggests I have a brand new proofing system that I am thrilled to launch! If you have previously had a gallery from me you know the deal. Small thumbnails were on the left and you clicked your way through your proofs. Well now, your proofs are as large as your screen can be view. Plus you can choose either a slide show format or click on your proofs one at a time or both! And if that wasn't cool enough, I am now going to offer you the option to view your own custom video set to music. Like a little commercial featuring you! How cool is that! Plus, if you LOVE your video, which I know you will, you can purchase it on DVD to view anytime you wish! (For more info click here.)

Here's a sneak peek at a video from a recent session.
Click Here

P.S. Don't you just love the music! Check out the musicians: Renee & Jeremy

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