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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Daily life...

Quick little video I made of my kids. Trying out some new stuff. Would love to know what you all think. Please take a minute to answer one or all the questions below. Just click the comment button at the bottom of this post. Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback!

Do you like this style of movie?
Is it too busy?
Do you prefer the traditional slide shows?
Do you like the music?
Do you think I should start making these for my clients?

P.S. The music is Night Mantra by Renee & Jeremy.
P.S.S. No idea why the pictures look so out of focus! URGH!! Working on it...bear with me!


Erin said...

I love this.

Anonymous said...

I like this.I think it is a great way to have a keepsake.The music is cool ,too

barbara said...

Oh my gosh Beth! I love this. All the mundane (but wonderful) bits of everyday life. These are the things we forget. I love this.