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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall sessions...

If you are like me, you are eagerly anticipating the arrival of fall! I have to say, it is by far, my favorite time of the year! I love everything about it! The weather, the leaves, pumpkins, apple picking, mums, cornstalks.... I could go on and on. Anyway, I am excited to announce that my October sessions are fully booked! So I guess you all love fall as much as me. LOL!

But wait, you didn't schedule your session yet.... don't worry, there are still session dates available in September and November. So, if you gotta have those fall pictures or just want a head start on Christmas cards contact me today to schedule your session before all the remaining dates are booked. And just to get you dreaming of fall here are a few from last year! Enjoy!

P.S. Check out the cool link above to see when the peak foliage days are!

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