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Friday, October 23, 2009

Exciting Changes for 2010

I mentioned in an earlier post that I would be announcing some new changes coming in 2010. I don't want to give too much away for now. But as I mentioned I will be updating my blog & website. I also have a new logo that I LOVE. I think it really portrays my style and encompasses my brand. Speaking of my style & brand, while working on updating my look, I have been thinking really hard about what I feel my style is. I have to admit this was not an easy task. I mean my style is my style ... LOL! But, that's why I have really decided to put emphasis on my tag line "portraits of life" because I really feel that describes my style. I want my portraits to capture moments and tell stories about your life. So tell me, when you think of my style what few words come to your mind? Leave me a comment below. I'd love to hear what you have to say. In the coming weeks I will begin to announce more changes you can expect in 2010. But for now, here's a peek at my new logo coming soon to my blog & website!

1 comment:

christina g said...

love your new logo :)