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Monday, September 7, 2009

My Kiddos

I haven't posted pics of my own kiddos in ages, so here a few from yesterday. The babies, did great. I couldn't believe they actually let me photograph them. (Note to self, must stop calling them babies, they are two after all!) Emma however was not in the mood and this was the best I could get. LOL! The poor kids totally have "PCS" - Photographer's Child Syndrome.

Anyway, that's all from our house for now. Stay tuned to the blog this week. I will be posting what to wear ideas for your upcoming fall sessions, the '09 Christmas card designs, as well as a few sneak peeks. Happy Labor Day! Enjoy!


christina g said...

Seriously, SOOOOOO ADORABLE! These are awesome!!! Great Job Beth on capturing your sweet babies! I call my 7 year old my baby!!! always will! =)

erin said...

sooo cute! i cannot believe how big the twins are getting! they are totally kids !

Amy said...

SO CUTE!!!! I have always wanted twins!!!! Lucky Ducky!!! Beautiful work!!