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Saturday, April 18, 2009

A beautiful maternity session

I had a fun maternity session tonight! It was a total blast! I have really been wanting to photograph a pregnant women in an open field like this. So you can imagine my excitement when I pulled up to this couple's house and saw this amazing field! (And of course, the beautiful mama-to-be) I was silently freaking out! (I know, I'm a dork!LOL!) Anyway, mama-to-be was such a trooper, willing to trample through the fields even with swollen feet! So thanks, I think you will agree, it was totally worth it when you see the shots. Here's just one, a sneak peek for now...I gotta get some sleep. But I'll have the rest to you real soon. Oops, almost forgot, a big thanks to daddy-to-be, you were a big help!

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