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Sunday, December 7, 2008

sweet sick day!

As most of my loyal blog readers know, my crew has been sick so much already this flu season. So you probably won't believe it, but Emma & I are sick yet again!! Emma had a 103.3 fever last night that almost landed us in the ER. (Instead we are off to the Pedi tomorrow.) Anyway, Sunday's we usually head to the IL's for dinner but today Emma and I stayed home in the interest of not spreading germs. I thought we should try and make the best of it. Boy did we ever, we had such a nice afternoon! We made a gingerbread house, yes from scratch, stop rolling your eyes, LOL! Anyway, it was a blast, it was so nice for us to actually have some one on one time. So I thought I'd share a few pics with you all. Enjoy!

P.S. I can't forget to give a great BIG thank you to Auntie Jo... you saved us with the molasses!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

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