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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Christmas designs are ready!

Ho, HO, Ho! The Christmas card designs are ready! You can check them all out on my site, just click the design link! I am totally getting psyched for Christmas! All the pricing for the cards & order deadlines are posted on the site. Please email or call me if you have any questions.

More Christmas news.... mini sessions are here too! I have chosen November 8 & the 15th. Both dates will have 4 available slots for mini sessions. (For a total of 8 sessions.) These will be 30 minute sessions to shoot Christmas specific pictures for things such as cards, canvas & gifts! All mini sessions booked on those two dates will receive a FREE personalized 2009 calendar as my little Christmas present to you! (Keep it for yourself or give it as a gift!) Locations haven't been chosen yet and I am up for suggestions. Please contact me if you have any great Christmas locations for my sessions. (P.S. There will be something in it for the person(s) who suggest any locations that I choose to use!)

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